Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: This mantra helps us find the grace within and carries us beyond our limited concepts.
Author: Fraser Trevor
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All we need to do is breathe in and out through the nostrils. As we do this we repeat to ourselves the syllable Ham on the in-breath, ...

All we need to do is breathe in and out through the nostrils. As we do this we repeat to ourselves the syllable Ham on the in-breath, and the syllable So on the out-breath.

So simple. So natural. So freeing.

Repeat on the in-breath: Ham.

On the out-breath: So

The syllable Ham represents and embodies the expansive masculine yang energy; the syllable So represents the centripetal yin, feminine energy.

Hamsa means white swan. The swan, of course, is an ancient symbol of spiritual grace and purity. The mantra is called White Swan because when the in-breath and out-breath are freed and purified, they are like the wings of a swan helping our spirits to soar. The Hamsa mantra helps us find the grace within and carries us beyond our limited concepts. It helps us shed negative feelings that we are ugly ducklings and reminds us that we are all graceful and pure swans. It can help our spiritual lives take wing.


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